Sunday, June 18, 2006

True Romance

Mary from Owlhaven has a new post up at Larger Families titled Watermelon, Coffee and Waikiki and its about the little things that spouses do for each other and how that, more than grand gestures and expensive get-aways, nurture the relationship. In that same vein, I have to relate the sexiest thing that my husband said to me last night. As he got into bed at 1:30 (I had fallen asleep with the baby around 10:30), he said, "I stayed up and finished up all the laundry, I cleaned the cat box, and swept up the mess the baby made with the cat food."

Oh my, words to set the pulse racing. Talk about a turn on! At one point, just a bit later, I almost said to him, "tell me again about the laundry and the cat box . . ."


owlhaven said...

Hehe! I can totally relate. but no wonder we mystify our men at times!

Mary, mom to many

Heather said...

ooooh Sharon....stop now...I'm getting verklempt!!

Robin said...

No wonder they can't figure us out! Where do you see THAT kind of advice in Cosmo or In Style?

Since my husband's already the neat freak in the fam, what does it for me is when he takes charge of the kids...or he MAKES me leave the kitchen to clean it up...or we have a deliciously deep spiritual conversation. Mmmmmm...GREAT!

(bounced over from Bloggin' Chicks, nice to read ya)